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【開館狂歡慶★LG 樂金】17公斤6MOTION DD直立式變頻洗衣機WT-D176VG推薦


2018-04-20 03:00

‘BORN DEMOCRATIC’: Only 2.4 percent of respondents to a survey said Taiwan should declare independence, while 1.5 percent said that Taiwan should unify with China

By Sean Lin / Staff reporter

Nearly 70 percent of Taiwanese are willing to go to war if China were to attempt to annex Taiwan by force, a survey released by the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy yesterday said.

The foundation considers it a fitting time to pose the question as the Chinese military has over the past few years been increasing activity near Taiwan, foundation president Hsu Szu-chien (徐斯儉) told a news conference in Taipei.

A total of 67.7 percent of respondents said they were willing to go to war to defend Taiwan if China launched an armed assault on the nation to force unification.

The number of people willing to fight to prevent unification with China rose to 70.3 percent among respondents aged 20 to 39, the survey showed.

However, the number of respondents willing to go to war with China as a result of Taiwan declaring independence dropped to 55 percent, the survey showed.

A large majority of respondents — 91.1 percent — said they support maintaining the “status quo,” with 34 percent saying that they wanted the “status quo” to be maintained and would decide whether to support independence or unification based on future developments, it showed.

Respondents that supported “perpetually” maintaining the “status quo” accounted for 27.8 percent, while those who support maintaining the “status quo” before moving toward independence and those who support maintaining the “status quo” before moving toward unification were about equal at 15 percent and 14.3 percent respectively.

Only 2.4 percent of people said Taiwan should immediately declare independence, while even fewer people — 1.5 percent — said that Taiwan should immediately unify with China.

The survey also gauged satisfaction with the nation’s democratic system, which found that 58.2 percent of respondents were dissatisfied with Taiwanese democracy.

The majority of respondents — 54.4 percent — felt “pessimistic” about the future of politics under the nation’s democratic system, while 36.4 percent said they felt optimistic.

However, 94 percent of people said that living in a democratic society is “important,” of which 65.8 percent said it is “very important.”

In addition, 76.4 percent of people agreed with the statement: “Democracy, despite its flaws, is still the best system,” the poll showed.

The commonly held opinion that a majority of young people are “congenitally in favor of Taiwanese independence” could be better put as “congenitally against unification” with China or “born democratic,” as the majority are in favor of maintaining the “status quo,” Hsu said.

“If we factor in questions about whether young people support democracy, we discover that the more people support democracy, the more willing they are to defend Taiwan in the event of an invasion by China,” Hsu said. “I think it is our democratic lifestyle and values that people want to protect.”

Academia Sinica research fellow Wu Nai-teh (吳乃德) also revealed the results of a similar survey conducted by the academy over the past three years, which found that the percentage of people willing to defend Taiwan in the event of a Chinese military invasion has dropped from 75.9 percent in 2016 to 69.1 percent last year and further to 67.1 percent this year.

The Taiwan Foundation for Democracy survey, conducted from Jan. 12 to Jan. 19, collected 1,597 valid samples from Taiwanese living in Taiwan proper and Penghu, and has a confidence level of 95 percent and a margin of error of 3 percentage points.

Additional reporting by CNA


我國與加拿大紐芬蘭暨拉布拉多省(Newfoundland and Labrador,以下簡稱紐芬蘭省)達成協議,雙方將從 4 月 17 日起,基於平等互惠原則及各自交通法規規定,免試相互承認駕照。此協議可為我國人未來赴加國紐芬蘭省工作、求學及定居帶來更多便利。

此案在外交部、交通部、駐加拿大代表處及加國紐芬蘭省監理處通力合作下,歷經多年努力推動,終於順利開花結果。國人持有 B 類小型車有效駕照,並已取得紐芬蘭省居留證明者,可向該省申請免試換發「第 5 級」(Class 5)或「第 5 級第二等」(Class 5 Level II)的普通駕照。另持我國政府核發的 A2 類普通重型機車、A3 類大型重型機車之有效駕照,並已取得紐芬蘭省居留證明的國人,也可向該省申請免試換發「第 6 級」(Class 6)或「第 6 級第二等」(Class 6 Level II)的普通駕照。

我國自民國 97 年起開始推動與加拿大各省免試互換駕照,十年有成,加拿大十省全部達陣,截自上(106)年底止,台加兩國民眾依據雙邊協議而申請免試換照的受惠人數,高達 4,848 人。未來外交部將與政府其他機關繼續推動讓人民有感及旅行便利的各項措施。

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